The what, where, when, why, and how of what we do.

If you don't find the answer to your questions here, please feel free to call us or send us an email message using the contact tab above.

1939 NE Broadway St. Suite B
Portland OR 97232

by appointment only
site created and designed by ariana orton  •  copyright 2012 - oregon clinical massage
This website is for information only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any condition.
Please consult your physician for treatment options for your condition.

    •  myofascial release

    •  deep tissue massage

    •  positional release


Prenatal Massage

The Bliss-Out with special accomodations.

Massage is safe and helpful during any stage of pregnancy. We will use our super-comfortable body cushions, which are designed to position and support you on the table and accomodate the two of you in happy-mama style.

Those aches and pains that you think you have to live with as your body changes can be reduced or even eliminated with massage therapy.

Prenatal Massage Therapists at OCM:
Ariana Orton, LMT #7207