If you do not find the answer to your questions here,
please feel free to ask whatever you would like
using the contact link above,
or by calling and asking us directly.
We are looking forward to
talking with you.
1939 NE Broadway St. Suite B
Portland OR 97232
by appointment only
site created and designed by ariana orton • copyright 2012 - oregon clinical massage
This website is for information only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any condition.
Please consult your physician for treatment options for your condition.
things you might like to know...
How can clinical massage benefit me?
If you are recovering from soft tissue injuries or other
conditions involving muscle tissue, clinical soft tissue
therapy may benefit you.
Injured tissue pulls you out of alignment. The intention
of clinical massage is to move you back into alignment by
releasing muscular tension so you can move with ease
and in co-operation with gravity.
We commonly see patients recovering from whiplash or
other sprain/strain injuries of the torso, arms, and legs,
post-surgical patients, athletes seeking to improve their
sports performance or recover from sports injuries,
people with carpal tunnel syndrome and other outlet
syndromes, scoliosis, headaches, unexplained chronic
pain, and fibromyalgia, to name just a few.